Cannabis Law
We Have the Roadmap For Your Success In the Cannabis Industry.
Janssen Malloy’s California cannabis practice began in 2015 helping clients navigate California’s legal medical cannabis market. That year was a watershed moment in California’s regulation of cannabis, as it marked the end of prohibition and the beginning of California’s medical cannabis regulatory regime. The practice has since evolved to include recreational cannabis as California continues to hone its legal cannabis market. Over the past several years, we have guided our clients through this rapidly changing landscape. Our attorneys are consistently tracking developing statewide regulations to quickly and effectively position our clients for future success. With our offices located in the heart of Humboldt County, we have the subject matter expertise and legal know-how to effectively represent clients at any business stage they are in and any stage of regulatory compliance they are grappling with.
Since the enactment of the Humboldt County Medical Marijuana Land Use Ordinance in 2015, the first of its kind in the State of California, our attorneys have been on the cutting edge of legalized cannabis. Our practice expanded with the enactment of the Medical Regulation and Safety Act, the voter initiative known as Proposition 64, and the implementing legislation known as the Medical and Adult Use Cannabis Regulation and Safety Act (MAUCRSA). California’s unique cannabis regulatory regime, which comprises the California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA), the California Department of Public Health (CDPH), and the Bureau of Cannabis Control (BCC) and other agencies that regulate various aspects of the industry, such as the California Department of Fish and Wildlife, necessitates a partner who understands how to effectively navigate state regulations to keep you and your business in the game.
Our job is to assist clients at every regulatory level, providing peace of mind so that they can focus on their business. We do this by being on top of regulatory developments as they happen. Throughout our years of practice, we have developed relationships and insights that put you on sure regulatory ground.
In addition to our corporate and regulatory cannabis practice, the attorneys at Janssen Malloy represent clients litigating business disputes, in administrative hearings, in abatement matters, and clients facing criminal charges. The breadth of our practice and knowledge of all things cannabis law uniquely position us to represent you in any dispute that may arise.