Legal Services of Northern California (LSNC) on October 5, 2018 honored the law firm of Janssen Malloy LLP for its forty-plus years of commitment to pro bono representation of citizens who are unable to afford legal services. Since the firm’s founding in 1976, the lawyers of Janssen Malloy LLP have been the steadfast anchor of the prop bono Civil Clinic at LSNC. LSNC provides legal representation to those of our community who cannot afford to hire a lawyer to protect their rights or advocate on their behalf. LSNC has its own staff of attorneys, but also relies on the volunteer pro bono efforts of the Janssen Malloy LLP firm, as well as other lawyers in the community, who devote their own time and energy to assist those who otherwise would face complex legal problems unaided. Executive Director Lynn Martinez honored the firm for its longstanding connection to LSNC’s services, and the Field Representative for State Senator Mike McGuire and Assemblyman Jim Wood gave the a Certificate of Recognition from the California State Legislature to Janssen Malloy LLP “For incredible Pro Bono work, and continued efforts to help the communities of Humboldt and Del Norte.”
Janssen Malloy LLP partner Michael J. Crowley accepted the award on behalf of the firm, and spoke about the importance of providing legal services to those who cannot afford access to the justice system. Mr. Crowley noted that the right to counsel and the right to be heard are fundamental to our democracy since, otherwise, the courts would only be open to those with power and wealth. The citizens Janssen Malloy LLP assists through LSNC are often in difficult and complex circumstances, and the advocacy of experienced trial counsel can mean the difference between justice merely delayed or justice denied altogether. Mr. Crowley also stated that the firm’s tradition of participating in the Pro Bono Civil Clinic is one of which they are proud, and demonstrates the commitment to community that ties us all together. After all, the people helped through LSNC are our friends, neighbors and fellow citizens, who deserve our respect and assistance.