Bureau of Medical Marijuana Regulation Informational Sessions May 11 in Arcata

Wednesday, May 11, the California Bureau of Medical Marijuana Regulation will offer two identical informational sessions at the D Street Neighborhood Center in Arcata, located at 1301 D Street.  Janssen Malloy LLP attorneys will be attending the first session, from 4:30-5:45 pm.  A second session will take place from 6:15-7:30 pm.  These informational sessions are open to the public and should provide the North Coast with its first opportunity to hear directly from state regulators how the Medical Marijuana Regulation and Safety Act (“MMRSA”) will be implemented over the next few years.  Called a “listening tour” by the agency, these sessions will apparently also offer the opportunity for the public to ask questions of Bureau staff.

Janssen Malloy LLP is working with an ever-growing list of clients who are diligently working toward compliance with local and state regulations, applying for local permits, and preparing for the changing landscape in medical marijuana statutes, regulations, and local ordinances.  We invite you to join us in hearing from the Bureau itself what challenges lay ahead and how best to confront them. 

The Bureau’s complete list of meetings, statewide, can be found here(link is external):

To register for the afternoon session, which our attorneys will be attending, click here